

Insert into 怎樣插入JSON數據

2024-06-17 11:37:55
欄目: 編程語言

To insert JSON data into a database, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Create a table in your database with a column that can store JSON data. For example, you can use the JSON data type in PostgreSQL or MySQL.

  2. Prepare your JSON data in the format that matches the column type in your database.

  3. Use an SQL INSERT statement to insert the JSON data into the table. Here is an example of how you can insert JSON data into a table named “example_table” with a column named “json_column”:

INSERT INTO example_table (json_column) VALUES ('{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}');
  1. Execute the INSERT statement to insert the JSON data into the table.

Make sure to replace the table and column names with the actual names in your database.

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