本篇文章給大家分享的是有關如何理解Oracle Linux中的machine-id,小編覺得挺實用的,因此分享給大家學習,希望大家閱讀完這篇文章后可以有所收獲,話不多說,跟著小編一起來看看吧。
The "machine-id" parameter is added from Oracle Linux 7.1 to identify the machine in the network. Therefor this parameter must be unique.
But when user clone the virtual machine that is installed OL7.1, the cloned virtual machine's "machine-id" is not changed, and some virtual machine have the same "machine-id".
User should change the "machine-id" of the cloned virtual machine.
To execute the below operations on the cloned virtual machine with the "root" account.
1. Clear the original "machine-id".
The "machine-id" value is written in "/etc/machine-id".
User have to clear the original value of "machine-id" befor changing.
There are some ways to change the "/etc/machine-id" file, in this case, use the "cp" command to change the original value.
Example :
# cat /etc/machine-id
e2bd0adf084a4c289cf335da4cd2f4b4 * Original "machine-id".
# cp -f /dev/null /etc/machine-id
cp: overwrite '/etc/machine-id'? * Clear original value.
# cat /etc/machine-id
# * Value has been cleared.
2. Create the new "machine-id" value.
generate a new machine-id by the "systemd-machine-id-setup" command and set up to the "/etc/machine-id".
Example :
# cat /etc/machine-id
# * "/etc/machine-id" is empty.
# systemd-machine-id-setup
Initializing machine ID from random generator. * Success to generate and setup the new value.
# cat /etc/machine-id
dab09965986b4ea1ba34dc7a79bb2830 * New value of "machine-id".
以上就是如何理解Oracle Linux中的machine-id,小編相信有部分知識點可能是我們日常工作會見到或用到的。希望你能通過這篇文章學到更多知識。更多詳情敬請關注億速云行業資訊頻道。