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I basically see it as them attempting to make a new minigame

發布時間:2020-08-09 13:24:46 來源:ITPUB博客 閱讀:130 作者:Megaomgchen 欄目:web開發

I basically see it as them attempting to  OSRS gold make a new minigame. Sure it might not be popular in the long run but fresh minigames have always been things that come to RuneScape so I'd rather they try. Hell who knows, maybe this becomes the first huge minigame of osrs which isn't popular only because of bis items or xp. It's not a minigame though, it's a gamemode and will have its own servers. A minigame is a sport interior of RuneScape, that's not what this is. It man mode, maybe not castle wars.

However, you have no reason to anticipate it will. The last gamemode (DMM) failed. Where the sole attraction is cosmetics all minigames. The minigames that are populated don't have makeup as the benefit. OSRS players need to feel like they're making something worthwhile when they do things or it will become dead content. If you're able to purchase them with gp of the others, RuneScapemode isn't for aggressive, then that which makes it worth doing to start anew if your procedure gets wiped following league? Might aswell create a new account, time yourself and all the things u have u drop over to your primary and replicate?

So essentially you all thought it was such a fantastic idea for us to be playing two clients at once that you created a new game mode to incentivize it further? Getting real tired of the. I need 2 accounts to enjoy pvm on my primary and pvp in my pure, now this? We'll be receiving better servers or some fix to the current issue on the machine or should we expect to DC each hour on the hour once we play RuneScape manner as well, cause the servers right now are pure crap. I honestly do not see a reason why their are sport modes such as HCIM where even though its not the consumers fault they still drop Hardcore status even though it was a result of a JAGEX host dc. I mean end users need to have a expectation that the product is being maintained. Going to vote no on survey even if it's content that is good.

Keep your eyes peeled for the Rewards Website. The Rewards System might give more insight as to why it is going to be well worth playing even in the event that  buy RuneScape gold you can just play for a couple hours per day. Absolutely no rewards on RuneScape for playing game modes please. Like the only difference here is you login to somewhere else to play the minigame due to the restrictions Is not that what minigames are though. If this was a minigame in world in which you visit a area that is different and play would it be fine?




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