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服務注冊Service Registration

發布時間:2020-08-18 11:49:54 來源:ITPUB博客 閱讀:147 作者:不一樣的天空w 欄目:關系型數據庫

PMON 進程通過服務注冊功能, 動態地將實例信息注冊到監聽器,以使監聽器能將客戶端的連接請求轉發適當的服務處理程序。 PMON 為監聽器提供
 3.對實例可用服務處理程序分派器和專用服務器),包括其類型、 協議地址, 當前負載和最大負載

服務注冊是動態的, 并且不需要在 listener.ora 文件中配置。動態注冊減少了管理多個數據庫或實例的開銷。

初始化參數 SERVICE_NAMES 列出實例所屬的服務。在啟動時,每個實例及其屬于相同服務其他實例注冊到所有監聽器。在數據庫操作期間,每個服務的實例CPU 使用和當前的連接計數等有關信息, 傳遞給監聽相同服務所有監聽器這種通信實現了動態負載平衡和連接的故障轉移

Service Registration:

Service registration is a feature by which the PMON process dynamically registers instance information with a listener, which enables the listener to forward client connection requests to the appropriate service handler. PMON provides the listener with information about thefollowing:

 1.Names of the database services provided by the database  
 2.Name of the database instance associated with the services and its current and maximum load
 3.Service handlers (dispatchers and dedicated servers) available for the instance, including their type, protocol addresses, and current and maximum load

Service registration is dynamic and does not require configuration in the listener.ora file. Dynamic registration reduces administrative overhead for multiple databases or instances.

The initialization parameter SERVICE_NAMES lists the services an instance belongs to. On startup, each instance registers with the listeners of other instances belonging to the same services. During database operations, the instances of each service pass information about CPU use and current connection counts to all listeners in the same services. This communication enables dynamic load balancing and connection failover.





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