#!/bin/bash # Description: configuration local host and remote host ssh keypair authentication, Support Ubuntu and CentOS operation system. # Blog: http://lizhenliang.blog.51cto.com function color_echo() { if [ $1 == "green" ]; then echo -e "\033[32;40m$2\033[0m" elif [ $1 == "red" ]; then echo -e "\033[31;40m$2\033[0m" fi } function os_version() { local OS_V=$(cat /etc/issue |awk 'NR==1{print $1}') if [ $OS_V == "\S" -o $OS_V == "CentOS" ]; then echo "CentOS" elif [ $OS_V == "Ubuntu" ]; then echo "Ubuntu" fi } function check_ssh_auth() { if $(grep "Permission denied" $EXP_TMP_FILE >/dev/null); then color_echo red "Host $IP SSH authentication failure! Login password error." exit 1 elif $(ssh $INFO 'echo yes >/dev/null'); then color_echo green "Host $IP SSH authentication successfully." fi rm $EXP_TMP_FILE >/dev/null } function check_pkg() { local PKG_NAME=$1 if [ $(os_version) == "CentOS" ]; then if ! $(rpm -ql $PKG_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1); then echo no else echo yes fi elif [ $(os_version) == "Ubuntu" ]; then if ! $(dpkg -l $PKG_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1); then echo no else echo yes fi fi } function install_pkg() { local PKG_NAME=$1 if [ $(os_version) == "CentOS" ]; then if [ $(check_pkg $PKG_NAME) == "no" ]; then yum install $PKG_NAME -y if [ $(check_pkg $PKG_NAME) == "no" ]; then color_echo green "The $PKG_NAME installation failure! Try to install again." yum makecache yum install $PKG_NAME -y [ $(check_pkg $PKG_NAME) == "no" ] && color_echo red "The $PKG_NAME installation failure!" && exit 1 fi fi elif [ $(os_version) == "Ubuntu" ]; then if [ $(check_pkg $PKG_NAME) == "no" ]; then apt-get install $PKG_NAME -y if [ $(check_pkg $PKG_NAME) == "no" ]; then color_echo green "$PKG_NAME installation failure! Try to install again." apt-get autoremove && apt-get update apt-get install $PKG_NAME --force-yes -y [ $(check_pkg $PKG_NAME) == "no" ] && color_echo red "The $PKG_NAME installation failure!" && exit 1 fi fi fi } function generate_keypair() { if [ ! -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ]; then color_echo green "The public/private rsa key pair not exist, start Generating..." expect -c " spawn ssh-keygen expect { \"ssh/id_rsa):\" {send \"\r\";exp_continue} \"passphrase):\" {send \"\r\";exp_continue} \"again:\" {send \"\r\";exp_continue} } " >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ]; then color_echo green "Generating public/private rsa key pair successfully." else color_echo red "Generating public/private rsa key pair failure!" exit 1 fi fi } EXP_TMP_FILE=/tmp/expect_ssh.tmp if [[ $1 =~ ^[a-z]+@[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}@.* ]]; then install_pkg expect ; generate_keypair for i in $@; do USER=$(echo $i|cut -d@ -f1) IP=$(echo $i|cut -d@ -f2) PASS=$(echo $i|cut -d@ -f3) INFO=$USER@$IP expect -c " spawn ssh-copy-id $INFO expect { \"(yes/no)?\" {send \"yes\r\";exp_continue} \"password:\" {send \"$PASS\r\";exp_continue} } " > $EXP_TMP_FILE # if login failed, login error info append temp file check_ssh_auth done elif [[ $1 =~ ^[a-z]+@[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9]{1,3}@.* ]]; then install_pkg expect ; generate_keypair START_IP_NUM=$(echo $1|sed -r 's/.*\.(.*)-(.*)@.*/\1/') END_IP_NUM=$(echo $1|sed -r 's/.*\.(.*)-(.*)@.*/\2/') for ((i=$START_IP_NUM;i<=$END_IP_NUM;i++)); do USER=$(echo $1|cut -d@ -f1) PASS=$(echo $1|cut -d@ -f3) IP_RANGE=$(echo $1|sed -r 's/.*@(.*\.).*/\1/') IP=$IP_RANGE$i INFO=$USER@$IP_RANGE$i expect -c " spawn ssh-copy-id $INFO expect { \"(yes/no)?\" {send \"yes\r\";exp_continue} \"password:\" {send \"$PASS\r\";exp_continue} } " > $EXP_TMP_FILE check_ssh_auth done else echo "Example1: $0 <root@>" echo "Example2: $0 <root@>" echo "Example3: $0 [root@ root@ root@ ...]" fi