


2024-07-02 15:48:39
欄目: 編程語言

  1. CreateEvent:
  • CreateEvent is a method that is used to create a new event object.
  • It is typically used to create a custom event object that can be dispatched and handled by specific event listeners.
  • When creating an event object using CreateEvent, you need to specify the type of event you want to create (e.g. “click”, “keyup”, “customEvent”).
  • Once the event object is created, you can set additional properties such as event data, event target, and event propagation behavior.
  1. DispatchEvent:
  • DispatchEvent is a method that is used to dispatch (or trigger) an event on a specific target element.
  • It is typically used to manually trigger an event that would normally be triggered by user interaction or some other event trigger.
  • When dispatching an event using DispatchEvent, you need to specify the event object you want to dispatch as well as the target element on which you want to dispatch the event.
  • Once the event is dispatched, any event listeners that are registered for that specific event type on the target element will be triggered and can handle the event accordingly.

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