

MySQL Encode 設置中的常見錯誤

2024-07-17 12:35:47
欄目: 云計算

  1. Incorrect string value: This error occurs when trying to insert a string that contains characters that cannot be properly encoded in the specified character set. To fix this, you can either change the character set to one that supports the characters you are trying to insert, or use a different encoding method.

  2. Illegal mix of collations: This error occurs when trying to compare or combine strings with different collations. To fix this, you can either change the collation of the strings to match, or use a collation conversion function to convert one collation to match the other.

  3. Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: This error occurs when trying to insert a value into a DOUBLE column that is too large for the column’s size. To fix this, you can either increase the column’s size to accommodate the larger value, or truncate the value before inserting it.

  4. Data too long for column: This error occurs when trying to insert a value into a column that is too large for the column’s size. To fix this, you can either increase the column’s size to accommodate the larger value, or truncate the value before inserting it.

  5. Invalid default value for ‘timestamp’ column: This error occurs when trying to set an invalid default value for a TIMESTAMP column. To fix this, you can either set a valid default value (such as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), or change the column type to a different type that accepts the default value you want to set.

  6. Column count doesn’t match value count at row: This error occurs when the number of values being inserted into a table does not match the number of columns in the table. To fix this, make sure that the number of values being inserted matches the number of columns in the table.

  7. Unknown column ‘column_name’ in ‘field list’: This error occurs when trying to reference a column that does not exist in the table. To fix this, make sure that the column name is spelled correctly and exists in the table.

  8. Duplicate entry ‘value’ for key ‘key_name’: This error occurs when trying to insert a value that violates a unique constraint (such as a primary key or unique index). To fix this, either remove the duplicate entry or update the existing entry with the new value.

  9. Syntax error: This error occurs when there is a syntax error in the SQL query. To fix this, review the query and make sure that the syntax is correct.

  10. Access denied for user ‘user_name’@‘host’: This error occurs when the user does not have the necessary permissions to access the database. To fix this, grant the user the necessary permissions to access the database.

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