


2024-06-13 12:15:08
欄目: 云計算

  1. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS): SSMS provides various monitoring tools such as Activity Monitor, SQL Server Profiler, and SQL Server Extended Events to help identify and monitor deadlocks in SQL Server.

  2. SQL Profiler: SQL Profiler is a tool provided by Microsoft that can be used to monitor and capture events occurring on a SQL Server instance, including deadlocks.

  3. Extended Events: Extended Events is a lightweight performance monitoring system that can be used to monitor and capture events, including deadlocks, in SQL Server.

  4. SQL Server Dynamic Management Views (DMVs): SQL Server DMVs provide information about the current state of the SQL Server instance, including information about deadlocks.

  5. Third-party monitoring tools: There are also third-party monitoring tools available that can help identify and monitor deadlocks in SQL Server, such as Redgate SQL Monitor, Quest Foglight for SQL Server, and Idera SQL Diagnostic Manager.

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