


2024-07-04 03:01:57
欄目: 編程語言

  1. SSL certificate verification failed: This error occurs when the server’s SSL certificate cannot be verified by the client. To resolve this issue, you can either disable SSL certificate verification or import the server’s SSL certificate into your client’s trusted certificate store.

  2. Connection timeout: This error occurs when the client cannot establish a connection to the server within the specified timeout period. You can try increasing the timeout value in your client configuration to resolve this issue.

  3. WSDL parsing error: This error occurs when the client encounters an issue while parsing the WSDL file. Check if the WSDL file is valid and correctly formatted, and make sure that the client is able to access the WSDL file.

  4. SOAP request/response format mismatch: This error occurs when the client sends a SOAP request in a format that is not expected by the server, or receives a SOAP response in a format that it cannot parse. Make sure that the SOAP messages sent and received by the client are in the correct format.

  5. Authentication failure: This error occurs when the client fails to authenticate with the server. Check if the authentication credentials are correct and properly configured in the client.

  6. SOAP action not found: This error occurs when the client sends a SOAP request with an invalid or missing SOAP action header. Make sure that the SOAP action header is correctly set in the client’s request.

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