


2024-07-23 02:20:01
欄目: 智能運維

Ubuntu users may prefer tgz (tar.gz) format for a few reasons:

  1. Compatibility: tgz files can be easily extracted and compressed using the built-in command line tools in Ubuntu, such as tar and gzip. This makes it convenient for users to work with tgz files without the need for additional software.

  2. Portability: tgz files are a common archive format that can be easily shared and transferred between different systems and platforms. This makes it a versatile choice for Ubuntu users who may need to exchange files with users on other operating systems.

  3. Compression: tgz files use gzip compression, which is known for its efficiency in reducing file size without sacrificing quality. This can be particularly useful for Ubuntu users who need to save disk space or transfer files over a network with limited bandwidth.

  4. Familiarity: Ubuntu users may be accustomed to working with tgz files due to their prevalence in the open-source community and compatibility with many Linux distributions. As such, they may prefer tgz format out of habit or familiarity with the format.

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